Empire Girls
At the party caucuses held Tuesday, the Nationalist Party elected the following candidates for Empire Girls State office: The candidates from left to right are: Governor, Natalia Harris, Earhart County (Pittsford, NY); Lt. Governor,& ...
empire girls
Two special guest speakers were on campus today. This morning, US Naval Academy Midshipman Sarita (Sara) Shea addressed the 2013 EGS citizens. Midshipman Shea, who just completed her plebe (freshman) year at& ...
Following the rally and general session Wednesday afternoon, citizens voted for Girls State officials before dinner. Voting 012 &. photo(2) &. Voting 001 &. Voting 004 &. Voting 005 &. Voting 006 &. Voting 007 &. Voting 010. This entry& ...
At the party caucuses held Tuesday, the Federalist Party elected the following candidates for Empire Girls State office: Candidates from left to right are: Governor, Angela Gallo, Clinton County (Ransomville, NY); Lt. Governor,& ...
At the party caucuses held Tuesday, the Nationalist Party elected the following candidates for Empire Girls State office: The candidates from left to right are: Governor, Natalia Harris, Earhart County (Pittsford, NY); Lt. Governor,& ...
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